How to Become Lucky

Most of you have heard the phrase "it is better to be lucky than good." Similarly, everyone has a desire to be lucky in some form or fashion. The question is, are we simply rolling the dice and hoping for good fortune? Perhaps there is a better way to predict and attract good luck into our lives?

I bring this topic to my blog today because I have been blessed with good luck in some recent real estate transactions for my clients. Things recently looked particularly unpromising towards a closed deal, and lost money for a couple of my sellers due to various transaction challenges. Lo and behold, just as we began to accept our new reality, the beautiful face of good luck has shown herself! Thanks to some luck, these deals will be closing as intended. Was it just because we wore our lucky green socks or held our breath the last time we drove through a tunnel? Perhaps, alternatively, we actually created this luck.

I am currently reading a book called "The Richest Man in Babylon." One chapter is appropriately entitled "Meet the Goddess of Good Luck." In it, the wise man says "I look to find [good luck], not at the gaming tables or the races where men lose more gold than they win but in other places where the doings of men are more worthwhile and more worthy of reward." It seems the meaning behind this is that if we are practicing worthwhile undertakings and contributing value to the world, we have more of a chance to become lucky. Hoping for luck in games where the chances are already tilted away from our favor is not the best practice towards finding luck.

The author goes on to write that "good luck waits to come to the man that accepts opportunity." Of course there will be times of loss. There will be times of difficulty. Through perseverance, through persistence, and through faith, good luck will come to those who take a chance at opportunities that come their way. Study, learn and most importantly take action. "To attract good luck to oneself, it is necessary to take advantage of opportunities." 

I hope you see the many opportunities that come your way as we wrap up the last few months of 2016. When you see something worth pursuing, take action. I wish you the best of luck! 

Tyler Chesser