Tyler Chesser, CCIM

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Steve Rozenberg is Live on Elevate!

It was great to have Steve Rozenberg on the show to discuss leadership! Steve is an international commercial airline pilot turned investor. After 9/11 derailed his airline career, his "safe-secure" job was anything but that. Since then, he has owned dozens of rental properties and apartment complexes and has also flipped and wholesaled hundreds of properties in Houston, Texas. He recently joined Mynd Property Management as the Vice President of Investor Education and co-hosts the Myndful Podcast show. He is also a professional speaker and has written and published seven eBooks.

In this episode, Tyler and Steve’s discussion focused on leading through a crisis and setting the tone for yourself and your business. Steve shared the five steps of crisis management that Boeing taught him and how it applies to business. He also discussed setting the tone through ownership, accountability and responsibility, as well as the key components to adaptation as a leader.

Other topics included learning more than one craft, Steve’s hard lessons of purchasing low income single family properties, meditation, role models, thinking big, “I am” statements and more insights that can improve your leadership skills! As Steve mentioned in the episode, “Great leaders are not born, they’re bred.”

Listen here.
Watch here.

You can connect with Steve via social media or his website:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rozenbergsteve/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steven.rozenberg
Website: https://steverozenberg.com/

The books mentioned in the show can be accessed below:

10X, by Grant Cardone
The E Myth, by Michael E. Gerber

Apply for coaching with Tyler! The world's top performers in any field have a coach to help them achieve drastically greater results and in less time. The most successful real estate investors are no different. To apply for a results coaching session with Tyler, visit coachwithtyler.com.

This episode of Elevate is brought to you by CF Capital LLC, a national real estate investment firm that focuses on acquiring and operating multifamily assets that provide stable cash flow, capital appreciation, and a margin of safety. CF Capital leverages its expertise in acquisitions and management to provide investors with superior risk-adjusted returns while placing a premium on preserving capital. Learn more at cfcapllc.com.