90 Days to Thanksgiving

It recently dawned upon me that we are about 90 days out from Thanksgiving. If you're like me that fact makes you double check your calendar and try to figure out where the hell this year has gone. I frequently like to stay on top of how quick time passes, because it gives me an opportunity to check myself and make sure I am staying on top of my short term and long term goals. Every day we need to be checking ourselves to make sure we are disciplined in doing the small things to reach our big goals. This helps us become the person we need to become to expand into the big future we expect for ourselves. In the mean time, we need to be grateful for all that we do have, which is what I would like to discuss today.

I was discussing with some friends last night the feeling of tension I've noticed that I constantly have. The tension is rooted in the fact that I know I could always improve in some way, whether that is through an improved process, increased knowledge, or improved action. Some days this tension eats at me and causes me to stress myself out. Over time, I have come to understand that achievement starts with this tension and I embrace that feeling that constantly exists. Never being complacent allows me to find and capitalize on opportunities for my clients, which is my number one goal in business. Further, tension gives me the opportunity to have a desire and take action for a better future in general - whether that is an improved client experience, enhanced real estate assets through renovation, improved negotiation techniques, or more laser focus on vendor relationships and financial modeling. The list could go on and on.

While tension is a very important driver for me, I realize the only way to enjoy the journey and life is to be grateful for all I have an all I have accomplished. I am grateful for the opportunities my clients give me to serve them. I am grateful for my colleagues for the assistance and expertise they provide to me on numerous deals and projects. I am grateful for friends and family that give me the opportunity to enjoy life and build memorable experiences. I am grateful for simple things like a roof over my head, shoes on my feet and to live in a free country. While I have plenty of tension and things I want to accomplish ahead of me, I am reminded 90 days away from Thanksgiving 2017 how many things I have worked so hard for that are already in my life. I challenge you to think of one thing each day until Thanksgiving that you are also thankful for. The attitude this practice could create could make all the difference for you too!


Tyler Chesser