Long-Term Vision

I have worn contacts and glasses for the last 12 or so years with near sighted vision. Hold the "four eyes" jokes, please... Without use of contacts or glasses, I had difficulty seeing objects farther than 5 feet in the distance clearly. This became evident while I was in high school where reading the board became a challenge. I still remember the day I first wore glasses thinking "wow, I had no clue how many details I had been missing!" Perhaps my vision was poor for much longer than I actually realized. As is the case in many areas of life, we know what we know, and when we know different, we can do different. This was a form of mind expansion that helped me quite literally see what I was missing. As time passed, I became more dependent on vision assistance and switched to contacts, which presented many benefits with clear vision without glasses. With a mostly positive contact experience, I explored the possibility of clear vision without assistance.

With the Lasik procedure now over a week in the rear-view, I am proud to report I now have excellent 20/15 vision. Never before did I imagine the vision would possibly improve from where I had been before, but it did! I am now seeing objects clearly far off into the distance, seeing more details I never knew possible.

I relate this directly to my real estate practice with the perspective of viewing investments for my clients with the long-term implications first. Many times real estate investors will have a plan to hold a property for a short period of time in the intention to make a quick return on investment. There are still long-term implications of such a decision. Some real estate investors develop a long-term hold strategy for certain properties and of course the benefits and potential risks will affect this particular individual or entity for many years to come. The value that I bring to these scenarios is multi-faceted, but I always help my clients understand all of the benefits and drawbacks of certain decisions related to their transactions. While many brokers and agents try to make a quick commission and ignore certain detriments, I strive to make sure my clients are making the most beneficial decisions that affect their short and long-term goals, even if that means a certain deal may not happen. I also know that when I help my clients understand all the implications, they are more likely to do future business with me and refer me to others. I look forward to connecting with you to discover how I can help make sure your long-term real estate vision is clear and how we can ensure your future dreams are reality. Until then, I will be enjoying the view!

Tyler Chesser